Have you ever been in an atmosphere so electric that you know in that very moment it’ll never be replicated and so you just stand there absorbing as much as you can in an attempt to bottle up every last piece of energy?
On friday night that was the very atmosphere I found myself in when I got to complete my longest standing bucket list item of seeing Eminem perform live.

Eminem is the most significant lyrical figure of my lifetime, and ever since the age of 9 years old when I used to creep outside of my uncle’s door and sneakily listen to him listening to Eminem, he has been the person I have been most musically excited about.
His music is so full of raw emotion, honesty and courage that since the year 2000 he has been my favourite artist, and the only artist whose albums I have enjoyed, without just liking certain singles.
It’s fair to say I think he’s pretty amazing, battling not only the cards he has been dealt with in life, but the people that tried to stand in the way of his success, and on friday the 11th of July I, along with 80,000+ others, got to see him perform as the first rapper to ever headline Wembley Stadium.

Want to know what made it even more amazing?
He brought along Dre.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so lucky, and three days later I’m still floating around high on the buzz of seeing my favourite artist perform live.
Tell me this is normal?
What were you like after seeing your favourite artist for the first time?