Lordington Lavender is a place that I’ve been wanting to go for a whole year and a half.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “What type of person waits that long to go and play in some lavender fields”
And the answer is me.
I’m that person.

Lordington Lavender is a farm based in Funtington which, every year, is opened up to the public so that instagram-loving folk such as you and I can prance about and pretend we’re in Provence.

Now, you may remember that last year I wrote a post about Racton Ruins, and the reason I ended up at the ruins, is because I went to Lordington Lavender a whole week late. You see Lordington Lavender opens to the public for all but one week a year (usually the 13th – 17th of July) and whilst you can hire Lordington Lavender for private use such as weddings or taking photos without fellow humans dotted amongst the background, for me the Lordington Lavender open days are where it’s at.

You see not only do you get to jump and frollick and pose in the most beautifully smelling field until your heart is content, but on the open days they sell cake. They also sell lavender infused products, but let’s face it. The cake is where it’s at.
But the best part, is that Lordington Lavender is enjoyed by people of all ages.
You see families picnicking on days out, glamorous elderly ladies posing in floppy brimmed hats, gentleman that are not only there to take pictures, but that are interested in their environment too and children that crouch down in the walkways watching the butterflies and hard-at-work bees with anticipation and curiosity.

If running around Lordington Lavender fields (avoiding the hard-at-work bees from flying up your dress!) is something you’re interested in you can find out more on their website.
Entrance is £4 with a percentage of the entrance fee going towards charity.